KR6JE Repeaters
Serving Monterey, Santa Cruz, Santa Clara, and San Benito counties with open repeater access.
Fremont Peak Repeater Association

Photo courtesy of
Cesar Campos, K6HJ

Fremont Peak Repeater Association
Was established in 1977 on the 2 meter band and the repeater site is located between Salinas and San Juan Bautista, CA. near the crest of Fremont peak.
Fremont Peak is a summit in the Gabilan Mountain range, one of the mountain ranges paralleling California's central coast. To see a satellite view of the repeater, click HERE.
To join the FPRA
email list click the image below
If you don't already have an account, you will need to
create an account and then
search for "KR6JE" to join
Fremont Peak Repeater Association.
Voting membership dues are $12
Non-voting membership are available for free.
All dues are voluntary and are not required for any function other than to vote or to hold office.
If you prefer to pay by check, please send the check to:
Weekly Net
Each Monday at
8:00 PM
on VHF
145.470 Mhz, -600
PL = 94.8,
and on UHF
441.450+, PL-123.0
FPRA is a group of dedicated volunteers serving the communications needs of San Benito, Monterey, and Santa Cruz Counties.

Green = coverage area
Yellow = shadow area
The VHF and UHF voice repeater coverage ranges to the west to the Monterey Bay area, to the north to Santa Cruz and Hwy-101 areas, to the east to Pacheco Pass and into portions of the Sierra Mountain Range, and to the south, deep into the Salinas Valley to King City area and beyond.

Great shot of Fremont Peak towers at night.
Photo Credit: George Krieger
VHF repeater status: 145.470 repeater is operating normally
UHF repeater status: 441.450 repeater operating normally
144.390 repeater "APRS digipeater status: 144.390 repeater
is back on the air and operating normally.
Video of annual meeting on
Jan. 11, 2025
Open access for Monterey and surrounding counties.
© 2024. All rights reserved.